Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and FASDs

By |2015-03-31T23:20:01-07:00March 31st, 2015|Categories: Blog Posts|Tags: |

Alcohol use, during any stage of a pregnancy, can be extremely harmful to the child. To the surprise of some, this includes even the earliest stages of pregnancy, when a mother might not even know! By consuming alcohol during a pregnancy, the baby has a chance of developing conditions that fall into scale of fetal alcohol [...]

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Polar Plunge 2015

By |2015-03-16T21:11:50-07:00March 16th, 2015|Categories: Blog Posts|Tags: , , , |

On February 28th, Reside's RRC Plungers took part in the incredible experience of jumping into the cold Columbia River for the sake of Special Olympics. The Polar Plunge is hosted every year to help raise money for the Special Olympics, and in support of the program (and even several of our clients who participate in these [...]

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